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metal keychain

A list of these metal keychain articles makes it easy for you to quickly access relevant information. We have prepared the following professional metal keychain, hoping to help solve your questions and better understand the product information you care about.
01 - 11
Why do we choose a metal keychain?
Why do we choose a metal keychain? The materials for making keychains are generally metal, leather, plastic, rubber, wood, etc. Therefore, depending on the material of the keychain, there are many types of craftsmanship. Our keychains are made of metal materials. The metal keychains are very texture
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10 - 19
What square measures the keychains?
What square measures the keychains?Keychains are conjointly referred to as a keychain, keyring, key hanger, etc. The materials for creating keychains square measure usually metal, leather, plastic, wood, etc. Keychains square measure exquisite, compact, and dynamical shapes square measure daily want
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09 - 16
The manufacturing process of metal keychain
The manufacturing process of metal keychain The metal keychain has various effects, and the surface can be flat, 2D, 3D, etc.; the keychain is made of fluorescent powder to make it luminous; adding flavor to make it scented; the metal keychain can also be put on a compass, a thermometer, etc. access
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09 - 10
How regarding the fabric utilized in our keychain
How regarding the fabric utilized in our keychain The materials for creating keychains square measure usually metal, leather, plastic, rubber, wood, etc. The keychains square measure exquisite, compact, and dynamic shapes square measure daily wants that folks carry with them. therefore what's the se
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